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Workshop Developments in Statistical Monitoring – Bridging Gaps between Industry and Academia
Jun 9, 2023, 09:30 - 13:30
Workshop Developments in Statistical Monitoring – Bridging Gaps between Industry and Academia
On June 9 Caterina Rizzo will defend her PhD thesis “Statistical Monitoring Procedures for High-Purity Manufacturing Processes”. The main theme of her PhD project was developing statistical techniques to address practical monitoring issues originating from her work in the chemical industry. On the occasion of the PhD defence of Caterina, a short workshop is held on June 9 on topics related to her PhD thesis. The programme is set up in such a way that there will be ample time for discussions.
Participation is free, but registration is necessary. A free lunch will be offered to participants.
Location: EURANDOM, MetaForum Building, MF11/MF12 (4th floor), Eindhoven University of Technology
9:30-10:00 Walk-in
10:00-10:05 Welcome by Alessandro Di Bucchianico (Eindhoven University of Technology)
10:05 -11:00
Bill Woodall (Virginia Tech, Blacksburg, USA)
The Evolution of Statistical Process Monitoring
This presentation provides a non-technical overview of the development of statistical process monitoring methods from their introduction by Walter Shewhart in the Industry 2.0 era to the challenges now faced in Industry 4.0. Monitoring methods have been adapted and extended over time to reflect increases in the amount of available data, changes in data structure and characteristics, and increases in computing power. Current research directions will be discussed along with ideas for future work.
Reference: Jones-Farmer, L. A., Paynabar, K., Ranjan, C., and Woodall, W. H. (2023). “Statistical Process Monitoring from Industry 2.0 to Industry 4.0: Insights into Research and Practice.”
11:00 -11:15 Coffee break
Sven Knoth (Helmut Schmidt University, Hamburg, Germany)
Some Stylized Facts of the Conditional Expected Delay (CED)
The popular zero-state average run length (ARL) is just the mean of the random run length, which is the core element of a control chart. However, more appropriate measures for evaluating the detection power make use of the conditional expected delay (CED), which is the mean of the detection delay for a given change point position τ = 1, 2, … under the condition that no false alarm was triggered. Originally, it was only a prerequisite for building sophisticated delay measures. Aiming to optimize the latter, interesting patterns of the CED series were found. While the more theoretical strand of monitoring research struggles with some open optimality problems, did the more applied one not recognize the CED stylized facts so far. This contribution tries to close the gap. More importantly, it emphasizes and affirms the importance of an appropriate CED analysis.
Alessandro Di Bucchianico (Eindhoven University of Technology, Eindhoven, The Netherlands)
Some Statistical Monitoring Problems Inspired by Industry
In this presentation I will show examples of methodological advances on statistical monitoring inspired by collaboration with industrial partners, in particular with DOW and ASML. I will focus mainly on problems arising monitoring with a finite time horizon such as batches or short production runs.
Lunch: 12:30-13:30h
Location: Eurandom Lounge, 4th floor, MetaForum
13.30h: End of programme
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