YES I: “Shape Restricted Inference”
Sponsors The Organizers would like to acknowledge the following organizations for their contributions: Summary The workshop is directed at young statisticians who work in the area of shape restricted inference. Short courses on various aspects of the topic will be given. The participants will also have…
YES II: “High dimensional statistics”
Sponsor Summary The workshop will be the second YES workshop. The intention of the workshop is to acquaint young statisticians (Ph.D students and post-docs) with the latest developments in the analysis of high dimensional data. Research in this area has been driven by the needs of various disciplines which have…
YES III: “Paradigms of Model Choice”
Sponsors Summary This is the third workshop in the series of YES (Young European Statisticians) workshops. The first was held in October 2007 on Shape Restricted Inference with seminars given by Lutz Dümbgen (Bern) and Jon Wellner (Seattle) together with shorter talks by Laurie Davies (Duisburg-Essen) and Geurt…
YES III: “Uncertainty Quantification”
MF 11-12 (4th floor MetaForum Building, TU/e)Summary Uncertainty quantification plays a central role in many areas of applied sciences, from statistics to optimization. In the broad context of statistics it is of key importance to understand how much one can trust a statistical procedure by quantifying its error as accurately as possible. This is essential for…
YES IX: “Scalable Statistics: on Accuracy and Computational Complexity”
Eurandom Metaforum, 4th floor, Eindhoven, NetherlandsSponsors Summary The role of scalable inference methods is becoming more and more central in statistics and machine learning, due to an explosive increase in size and complexity of datasets. In such large-scale and complex scenarios that is, in a practical sense, a diminishing relevance of classic statistical…
YES X : “Understanding Deep Learning: Generalization, Approximation and Optimization”
Eurandom Metaforum, 4th floor, Eindhoven, NetherlandsThe aim of the workshop is to give give a balanced representation of different points of view in regards to these topics, from theory to applications, and spanning both statistics, optimization and machine learning topics.
Optimal Transport, Statistics, Machine Learning and moving in between
Eurandom Metaforum, 4th floor, Eindhoven, NetherlandsPart of the YES workshop series Click here for the program: YES2022_program For the tutorial slides see the table below. Summary Theory and Computational Aspects In the last 30 years, the theory of Optimal Transport has emerged as a fertile field of inquiry, and a diverse tool for exploring applications…