Mar 24 – Mar 25
about this workshop:
Mathematical optimization and SAT solving are key techniques for finding provably optimal solutions for challenging real-world problems. Their application ranges from classical deterministic problems such as network design or graph coloring to more modern applications that also incorporate uncertainties via the regimes of stochastic programming and robust optimization. While standard optimization software can routinely solve large problems in reasonable time, it is well-known that the presence of symmetry in the underlying problem deteriorates the performance of software if the symmetries are not handled adequately.
The motivation for this workshop is that many communities (MINLP, MIP, SAT, SDP, etc.) use similar techniques for handling symmetries with adaptions to the particular field. Many of these techniques can also be transferred to other disciplines. The aim of the workshop is thus to bring together researchers from different fields to
– make the communities aware of the techniques used by other communities,
– identify symmetry handling methods that are applicable in other disciplines, and to
– foster collaboration between different disciplines.
for invitees only
Symmetry Handling for Satisfiability and Optimization – Eurandom