Stochastic Activity Months


September 2017
1. YEP XIV “Probability, Combinatorics and Algorithms”
2. Randomness and Graphs : Processes and Structures
3. Community Detection and Network Reconstruction


October/November 2016
Data Driven Operations Management
1. Data Driven Operations Management
2. Mini Course “Queues and Lévy Fluctuation Theory  
3. YEQT X “Queueing Theory in Operations Research”

March 2016
Probability and Analysis
1. YEP XIII “Large Deviations for Interacting Particle Systems and Partial Differential Equations
2. Variational Methods in Probability Theory and Statistical Physics
3. Simulation of Rare Events


Random Walks in Random Environment
1. YEP XII: “Random Walks in Random Environment”
2. Random Motion in Random Media
3. Random Walks on Random Graphs and Applications 


January 2014
Probability and Combinatorics
1. Probability and Graphs
2. Mini Course: “Graph Limits”
3. Mini Course: “Analysis of Bolean Functions”
4. Mini Course: “Probabilistic Aspects of Minimal Spanning Trees”
5. Networks with Community Structure


March 2013
Queues and Risk
1. Queues and Risk
2. Mini Courses: “Queues and Risk”

January 2013
Random Polymers
1. YEP X : “Random Polymers”
2. School on Random Polymers
3. Random Polymers


September 2012
Stochastic Operations Management
1. Mini Course: “Infinite-state Discrete-time Markov Decision Processes”
2. Pricing and Staffing
3. Day of Lectures

February 2012
Scaling Limits of Spatial Probability
1. Mark Kac Seminar; Seminar S. Taati (UU); Seminar B. Scoppola 
2. Mini-Workshop: “Scaling Limits of Random Walks in the Quarter Plane”
3. The Expanding Art of Expansions
4. Seminar Ch. Kalle (UL)
5. Lectureday: “Scaling Limits”
6. Seminar Ch. Temmel
7. Seminar A. Opoku 
8. Two-Dimensional Statistical Mechanics


April 2011
Stochastic Modelling and Analysis of Networks
1. Lecture Day
2. Mini Course:” Maximal Paths in a Class of Stochastic Ordered Graphs and Related Problems”
3. Seminar M. Lelarge
4. Lecture Day: “How Big Queues Occur in Multi-Server System with Heavy Tails”
5. Workshop in honour of Frank Kelly
6. Random Graphs and the Brain














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