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Eindhoven Stochastics Seminar
Mar 11, 2015, 15:45 - 16:45
The Totally Asymmetric Simple Exclusion Process (TASEP) is an important example of a particle system driven by an irreversible Markov chain. Assume \(n\) particles are placed on a ring of length \(2n\), at each step particles free to move in the clockwise direction occupy the free site independently with probability \(p\). In this parallel framework I will do a simple yet rigorous derivation of the chain stationary measure. I will next consider the blockage problem (a.k.a. slow bond problem), deriving the exact expression of the current for an arbitrary blockage intensity \(\varepsilon\) in the case of the so-called rule-184 cellular automaton, i.e. a parallel TASEP with \(p=1\). Finally, I will discuss through numerical experiments the conjecture that for parallel updates other than rule-184 the current may be non-analytic in the blockage intensity around the value \(\varepsilon=0\).