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Eindhoven Stochastics Seminar
Sep 18, 2019, 15:45 - 16:45
Corli van Zyl (North-West University, Potchefstroom, South Africa)
Signed sequential rank cumulative sum charts
CUSUMs based on the signed sequential ranks of observations are developed for detecting location and scale changes in symmetric distributions. The CUSUMs are distribution-free and fully self-starting: given a specified in-control median and nominal in-control average run length, no parametric specification of the underlying distribution is required in order to find the correct control limits. If the underlying distribution is normal with unknown variance, a CUSUM based on the Van der Waerden signed rank score produces out-of-control average run lengths that are commensurate with those produced by the standard CUSUM for a normal distribution with known variance. For heavier tailed distributions, use of a CUSUM based on the Wilcoxon signed rank score is indicated. The methodology is illustrated by application to real data from an industrial environment.