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Perspectives on Scientific Error | 6th edition | TU/e Eindhoven

Feb 29, 2024 - Mar 2, 2024

Perspectives on Scientific Error

Join us for this sixth edition to discuss statistical, philosophical, and meta-scientific issues of scientific error. Theoretical arguments have suggested the possibility that the number of false claims in the scientific literature is much higher than desired and reports across fields have subsequently shown that many findings that researchers believed were firmly established failed to replicate. These erroneous claims in the scientific literature raise important issues. From an empirical practitioner’s perspective, errors mislead and slow down research projects. From a philosophical perspective, scientific error raises questions about the right forms of scientific inference, scientific progress, and the reliability of science as a source of knowledge. From the perspective of the general public, scientific error undermines the epistemic authority of science and the degree to which policy-makers trust scientific experts.

Following the success of the previous five editions, the sixth Perspectives on Scientific Error workshop will bring together an interdisciplinary group of researchers interested in statistical, philosophical, and meta-scientific issues of scientific error. Participants will share their views on how scientific errors can be detected and corrected, how they influence knowledge generation, and the perception of science as a whole.


Hackathon: Reducing scientific error in practice

In collaboration with the MetaMelb research group we invite you to join a one day hackathon following the workshop. Join us for a Saturday of hackathons exploring how we can reduce scientific errors in practice, especially during pre- and post-publication peer review. We will break into small groups and develop tools, workflows, and guidelines that researchers can use to detect/reduce a variety of error types, such as non-reproducibility, statistical errors, non-reusable data, undisclosed preregistration deviations, and spin/hype. Everyone is welcome — you don’t need any special expertise to take part, just bring your brain (and maybe a laptop). You can register either for the workshop, or the hackathon, or both.


Confirmed Keynote Speakers:

  • Catarina Dutilh-Novaes
  • Simine Vazire
  • Ian Hussey
  • Dr. Judith ter Schure




Noah van Dongen, University of Amsterdam (nnnvandongen@gmail.com)

Daniel Lakens, Eindhoven University of Technology (d.lakens@tue.nl)

Anne Scheel, Utrecht University (a.m.scheel@uu.nl)

Felipe Romero, University of Groningen (c.f.romero@rug.nl)

Anna van ’t Veer, Leiden University (a.e.van.t.veer@fsw.leidenuniv.nl)


To cover the cost of lunch and coffee/tea during the two-day meeting there is a registration fee

of € 40,51 to attend the conference.

There will be an optional dinner on the evening of the first day – after registration, you will be informed about the option to sign up for the conference dinner.





Feb 29, 2024
Mar 2, 2024


MF 11-12 (4th floor MetaForum Building, TU/e)

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