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Workshop Bayesian Computation

May 14, 2024 - May 15, 2024

Workshop Bayesian Computation in the Netherlands

 The goal of this workshop is to bring together a community of users as well as academic researchers of Bayesian computational methods with the following aims:


  • For all participants there is an opportunity to engage in new interactions and collaborations, such as e.g. the joint supervision of a MSc student or writing a grant proposal.
  • Applied users of Monte Carlo methodology may benefit by learning about some of the more recent developments in Monte Carlo methodology. They may also benefit directly by discussing their challenges in the workshop and receiving feedback from other users and researchers.
  • Researchers in Monte Carlo methodology may benefit by learning about contemporary real-world challenges in the application of Monte Carlo methods.


We expect the participants to be at least somewhat knowledgeable about the basics of Bayesian computation. In particular we expect that participants understand the basics of Bayesian statistics as well as the basics of at least one of the following computational methods: Markov Chain Monte Carlo, Expectation Maximization, Sequential Monte Carlo, state estimation and/or message-passing algorithms.


The programme will consist of tutorials, presentations by participants on challenges and applications of Bayesian computation, and room for discussion and collaboration.

You will find the programme here



  • Joris Bierkens, Technische Universiteit Delft
  • Frank van der Meulen, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam


The registration for this workshop is closed. Admitted participants will receive further information on May 1st. latest.




May 14, 2024
May 15, 2024


MF 11-12 (4th floor MetaForum Building, TU/e)

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